Wednesday, January 09, 2008

ECC, MCG, MCD, Four-Phase, etc... -> Emerson is reporting a piece of news that touches my personal history.

Emerson completes acquisition of Mot embedded unit

The embedded unit they are referencing is Embedded Communications Computing (ECC).

I worked at that business unit for many years. How long? Long enough to be called an 'institution' by people as I said my good-byes a couple years ago.

Those not familiar with ECC might recognize it from some of its earlier incarnations: MCG, MCD, Four-Phase.

Wow, even writing these words brings back memories.

This business unit has an interesting past. On a purely technical level, it was responsible for the following:
  • VME
  • reference implementation for SystemV on the 68000 CPU family
  • reference implementation for SystemV on the 88000 CPU family
  • an RS6000 clone running AIX on PPC CPUs
  • the PPC-NT implementation - NT 3.51 and 4.0 on a non-x86 chip
  • StarMax - a Mac clone done before Steve came back to Apple
  • their most recent creations include an interesting line of ATCA and MTCA
I'm sure I've missed an important item or two.

I was fortunate enough to work on all of these items to one degree or another. I feel truly blessed. Having come up through the ranks of System Administration, this place provided a dream environment. Sure, it had it share of typical corporation insanities and dramas. On the other hand, how many System Administrators have direct access to board designers, ASIC designers, kernel geeks, RTOS wierdos, and whatnot while learning their craft? It still boggles my mind.

I was originally tempted to list some of the opportunities I was provided while working their, but the list is simply too long. Suffice it to say that I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for AZ43.

I sincerely wish ECC the best future in the next leg of their history. Emerson has purchased a business unit with a rich history of contributions in the history of computing. Perhaps we will see more amazing contributions in the not too distant future. One can only hope.

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