Saturday, November 03, 2007

From Domain Specific Languages to Platforms

Phil Windley posted an article on his use of Domain Specific Languages for a recent endeavor. He mentions a common reaction and goes on to describe some of the benefits he gains from using a DSL.

I find it somewhat amusing that detractors often view DSLs as unnecessary or even foolish. At the same time, we see a plethora of DSLs flowing out of standards bodies and vendors.

No matter. The classical debate continues over GPL vs. DSL continues.

While I look around at the arguments for and against DSLs, I don't see much conversation regarding what seems to me to be a wonderful capability provided by DSLs. Mapping a problem space into a DSL presents the opportunity to create a platform, rather than a mere application.

Whether open to outside contributers, or only to internal ones, the platform model provides a useful vehicle for creating an 'application' designed for enhancement, particularly if we desire a wide range of enhancements.

An explicit focus on the language-oriented discipline associated with DSLs provides a useful way to introduce critical constraints, while still leaving the door open for futures changes to the constraints.

To be sure, most level 3 platforms are in the business of providing extensible domain-specific solutions of one form or another. It's noteworthy, however, that most level 3 platforms address rather narrow sets of domains. I wonder how long it will be before we see platforms providing the ability to deliver of broad spectrum of domain languages. Perhaps we will see platforms for DSL platforms.

Meanwhile, Bob Warfield mentions DSL in his Serendipity is the Key to Code Reuse. I'm not sure if he's talking about the same thing, but we're definitely using the same language.

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