Saturday, November 10, 2007

We're down and loving it!

Niall Sclater writes on a potential Downside of the small pieces model, in which he points to an outage at slideshare.

This particular statement caught my eye.
Of course institutional sites go down too - but it’s our business to keep them working and at least if services are hosted in-house we can pull out all the stops to ensure they’re fully functional.

This presupposes that those external sites do not have the equivalent desire to keep their services operational.


Rashmi said...

Your post showed up in my RSS feed. We are very motivated to keep SlideShare (which many of our users depend on) functioning and avoiding any downtime. The site is back up now, and we are watching it to make sure that it remains up and nothing goes wrong.

I understand the concern about relying on external infrastructure, but at least when it comes to SlideShare you can depend on us!

(SlideShare cofounder)

Aloof Schipperke said...

Wow - and I wasn't even complaining!

I would fall dead on the floor if in-house IT shops provided this level of engagement in response to an outage.

IT shops would be well served to take a lesson from the likes of slideshare.